Sharpen Your Strategic Skills with ChessNeurons - Final Episode
Welcome back to the Strategic Mastery series, where we explore advanced chess concepts to help you elevate your game. After an incredible journey, we’ve arrived at the final episode of our Strategic Mastery series. It’s hard to believe that we have covered so many profound strategic themes and puzzles, all designed to sharpen your understanding of chess and elevate your positional play. In this final episode, we will take a look back at the various themes we have explored together - each one aimed at deepening your knowledge, improving your strategic thinking, and helping you approach the game with a fresh perspective. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate player, or someone looking to refine your skills, we hope this series has been a valuable resource in your quest to become a more insightful and thoughtful chess player. | Photo: ChessNeurons
Solutions to Episode 21 Puzzles:
Before we dive into this final episode, be sure to check out the solution video for the last episode's theme: Maintaining the Tension. Grandmaster Ankit Rajpara walks you through the solutions to the puzzles, offering detailed insights into how to manage and exploit the tension in the position. You can find the positions here:
If you would like to solve the positions in episode 21 in an interactive format
Positional Chess vs Tactical Chess
We recognized that the content for improving positional chess was not easily accessible, which is why we started this Strategic Mastery series with GM Ankit Rajpara. Our goal has always been to provide you with the tools and insights needed to master positional play and become a more well-rounded player.
Refer to the article on ChessNeurons by Ankit to read more about the difference between positional chess and tactical chess:
Reflecting on Our Journey
As we reach the conclusion of the Strategic Mastery series, it’s time to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we have taken together. Throughout this series, we have explored a wide array of strategic themes, each carefully designed to deepen your understanding and sharpen your chess skills.
Themes we have covered:
World Champion Gukesh’s Journey:
Journey from Grandmaster Norms to Grandmaster title to 2600 FIDE to 2700 FIDE. [ Article 12, 13, 14, 15]
Exchange of Queens:
Deciding when to exchange queens is a critical skill in chess. Recognizing when a quieter, simplified game will work in your favor, and when keeping the queens on the board will give you more chances to press for an advantage. [ Article 9 ]
Read more from the Blog by Ankit Rajpara in ChessNeurons:
The strategic importance of placing your pieces, especially knights, on squares that are protected and serve as strong outposts. [ Article 16 ]
Read more from the Blog by Ankit Rajpara in ChessNeurons:
Restricting Pieces:
How to limit your opponent’s mobility and create strategic advantages by controlling key squares and restricting their piece activity. [ Article 17 ]
Read more from the Blog by Ankit Rajpara in ChessNeurons:
The art of anticipating and preventing your opponent's plans before they can execute them strengthens your own position. - [ Article 18 ]
Provoking Weaknesses:
How to provoke your opponent into creating weaknesses in their pawn structure and capitalizing on them. - [ Article 19 ]
King in the Center:
Maintaining the Tension:
Learning when to keep the pressure in the position and when to release it for the best possible outcomes [ Article 21 ]
And so much more...
Every episode has been carefully crafted to address a specific strategic element of the game, with puzzles designed to challenge and enhance your understanding.
Watch the whole series here
Your Feedback Matters:
As this series concludes, we’d love to hear from you! What did you enjoy most? Which episode or concept resonated with you the most? Your feedback is invaluable to us, as we continue to improve ChessNeurons and bring you content that helps you become a better player.
Feedback form
What’s Next?
Looking ahead, we want to know what you’d like to explore in future series. What topics do you want us to cover next? Is there a particular aspect of chess that you feel needs deeper exploration? We’re here to support your chess journey, and your suggestions will guide our next steps.
What Makes ChessNeurons Unique?
ChessNeurons was created with the mission of providing grandmaster-curated content that helps players like you build a deeper understanding of positional chess. We believe that true mastery goes beyond just solving tactics - it’s about building a solid foundation of strategy. This will set you on the path to becoming a more well-rounded chess player.
Some standout features of ChessNeurons include:

Important Links:
Provide your feedback to GM Ankit Rajpara