Milan Petras is the winner of Solving Competition at Prague International Chess Festival 2025
Prague International Chess Festival is truly a chess festival in every way one can fathom. There are not only tournaments in Masters, Challengers, Futures, Open, Rapid and Blitz conventional events but also Basque, Fischer Random, Pair Blitz, Bughouse and Solving competition. There is something for every type of chess player and enthusiast. On Friday 28th February 2025, F Solving competition took place. Milan Petras won the event scoring 55 points. Dimitra Amiridou (GRE) secured second place scoring 50 points. Sahib Hasanzada (AZE) was placed third scoring 43 points. The special element about this event was all positions were curated by the legendary Grandmaster in Chess Composition - Yochanan Afek (ISR). Photos: Shahid Ahmed
The seventh edition of Prague International Chess Festival witnessed the Solving competition for the second time in this festival. Participating in an event where the positions are curated by the legend, International Master and Grandmaster in Chess Composition -Yochanan Afek, is itself something a chess player will find gratifying. Winning the event or getting a prize is a cherry on top of it. The prize winners received their respective material prizes. Maximum points allotted for solving seven position was 65. Total duration was 90 minutes.
The IM and GM Yochanan Afek (ISR) shared all positions which were part of the solving competition. Try to solve them:
Position #1
Position #2
Position #3
Position #4
Position #5
Position #6
Position #7
If you wish to evaluate your performance with a clock, here are little information you need to know. Total time to solve - 90 minutes.
1. In the mate in two problems, diagram no. 1-3, the key (first move of white) is sufficient for a complete solution.
2. In the mate in three problems, diagram no. 4-5, the key (the first move of white) and all variations against the threat with white's second move are sufficient for a complete solution.
3. In the endgame studies (No. 6-7) the main lines until an evident win or draw are sufficient for a complete solution.
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