ChessBase India turns three years old
On 18th of January 2016 ChessBase India came into existence. Yesterday, on 18th of January 2019 it turned three years old. ChessBase India is a group of people dedicated towards the game of chess with the aim of making it one of the most popular sports in India. Each and every person who works in the organization is motivated to make a difference. In this article we tell you about the work done by the ChessBase India team in the last year and at the same time acquaint you with the members of the team. We also tell you about the "Why I love ChessBase India contest". We were going to give three t-shirts as prizes, but at the end of the contest, we received such wonderful feedback from our users that we had in 7 t-shirt winners and 20 one month ChessBase Premium Account winners!
The entire team of ChessBase India has worked extremely hard to take steps in the direction of chess becoming the most popular sport in our country. Here is some of the work that has been done from 18th January 2018 to 18th January 2019.
Read: ChessBase India turns 2 years old which was published one year ago on 18th January 2018
ChessBase 15 and the latest ChessBase softwares:
The biggest contribution of ChessBase India has been the technological revolution it has brought about in the field of chess. Young kids have learnt the art of using softwares and technology to become better chess players. We have been able to get world class ChessBase products at nearly 60% discounted prices for the Indian subcontinent. Products like ChessBase 15 and Mega Database, Fritz, Komodo etc. are used by all the top players in the world. The fact that all the Indian players get original high quality products at discounted price makes them much better at chess than what they were before the launch of ChessBase India.
ChessBase India newspage:
In the last year ChessBase India newspage published over 750 articles with the coverage of all the top events of Indian chess. The ChessBase India team was present at the Batumi Olympiad and also at the World Juniors 2018 and at all the major Indian events like Bhopal GM, Delhi GM, Mumbai IIFLW, Chennai Open, Kolkata and others. The Hindi newspage managed by Niklesh Jain is also active and has over 150 articles published. If there was something important happening in the Indian chess circuit we were there covering it.
Work for the visually challenged chess players:
One of the things that we have been extremely proud of in the year 2018 was the work for the blind chess players of India. We appealed to the readers of ChessBase India to contribute towards the staging of the National A Championship 2018 when the sponsors backed out at the final moment. The chess community contributed heavily and we managed to collect a total of Rs. 5,75,063 with 119 individuals chipping in. Vidit Gujrathi became the brand ambassador of AICFB and IM Sagar Shah accompanied the team to World Team Championship and World Junior Championship as the coach. The players also received entries without any fee at the Kolkata GM open thanks to Dibyendu Barua, Odisha open thanks to Sekhar Sahu and at the Bhopal GM thanks to Kapil Saxena. A lot of work needs to be to ensure that blind players of our country achieve their true potential.
Social Media:
ChessBase India has the approach of using social media to get its news out as soon as possible to the end users. For this we use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A year ago, ChessBase India Facebook page had 53,000 likes. As on 18th of January we have 83,725 people on Facebook following us. Our growth on Twitter has been gradual, but it is has been consistent. We have 3977 followers and the interaction for tweets is quite high. Instagram is something that we begun less than a year ago and now we have 7,443 followers and the number is growing each day.
YouTube Channel:
The ChessBase India YouTube Channel is one of the most popular chess channels in the world. Here's a look at the statistics for the month of December 2018:

Over 5 million views and 26 million watch minutes! Now those are impressive numbers for a YouTube Channel, let alone chess!
When the year began we had 5700 subscribers and right now as on 18th of January 2019 we have crossed 80,000! Yes, you read it right! That's a growth of over 75,000 subscribers in a year. This was not easy and it is a sign that the quality of the content produced by ChessBase India is extremely high. In a year we were able to publish over 1500 videos which roughly comes to five videos a day! The total video count on the ChessBase India YouTube Channel is 2070. Due to the high quantum of videos we have now have different playlists based on players, tournaments etc.
When I travel to different tournaments of India, I meet a lot of people who tell me that they watch the ChessBase India YouTube Channel and enjoy it tremendously.
ChessBase India Calendar:
It's been over a year now since the ChessBase India calendar came into existence. If you look at it carefully: you will find not just Indian events, but also international tournaments. We are shaping up the ChessBase India calendar to become the best resource for players in India and around the world to look at and plan their trips for Indian and International events.
ChessBase India Power:
When I was a player the biggest headache would always be to book the tickets, the hotel, pay the entry fee, visas etc. With ChessBase India Power we are trying to solve this issue. In 2018 we had a group tour of players from India to Barcelona with Ankit Dalal. The idea was that young children could travel with him and the parents do not have to disrupt their schedule and at the same time money can be saved. This turned out to be quite successful, as the total number of Elo points that the entire group gained was 4359! A lot of top Indian players use ChessBase India Power for their travel logistics, so that their time can be saved and they can focus on chess better.
The ChessBase India Foundation:
The ChessBase India Foundation was started with the idea of helping talented youngsters in need of funds. There are people with the necessary funds who are ready to help, there are talented players who work day in and out to make chess into their careers. What is lacking is a transparent portal where people know that what their money is being put to good use. The ChessBase India Foundation initiative of HelpChess has launched four scholarships in 2018 and a total of Rs. 2,00,000 has been distributed. To know more:
Playchess tournaments and Academy Chess League:
ChessBase India online blitz tournaments have been well received. The main idea of these events is to have fun and at the same time give a chance to players all over the country to fight it out against the best in Indian chess. And all of this without leaving the comfort of your home. All the top players including Adhiban, Sethuraman, Aravindh Chithambaram, Karthikeyan Murali etc. have participated in the online events. You can read the feedback given by all the top players in this article. Here's what one of the participant Pravin Bharadwaj mentioned in his feedback, "Great way to popularize chess in India. It's great to play with all greats online. Giving each and everyone the equal platform to compete. You are helping those who cannot go physically from one place to other for playing chess. Bringing chess at their doorstep. GREAT GREAT!"
Apart from the online events we are also using Playchess to host the Academy Chess League. The idea of the league is to pit on chess academy in India with another. It doesn't matter if one of the academies is in Delhi and the other is in Kerala. Four players from each academy are pitted against four players of another academy online. And the games have a time control of 45 minutes + 10 seconds increment, which turns out to be good game practice for the players. The event was organized and managed by Shahid Ahmed.
Quality Chess India
Indian chess is booming. North, South, East, West any direction that you look towards you will see some special talents coming up. While softwares are excellent training tools, you cannot really survive without chess books. Quality Chess is one of the finest publishers of chess literature in the world of chess. Jacob Aagaard visited India in 2017 and saw the potential that the country has. Together with him, John Shaw and Quality Chess UK's help we setup Quality Chess India. Thousands of books have been sold since we began in March 2018 and it has been extremely useful for the chess players of India.
We do not want to limit the books to just Quality Chess Publishers. With that in mind we launched Ramesh's book - Logical Decision making in chess, which was loved by Indian chess players. We also now have Silman's Endgame Manual by Siles James Press. Within a few months you will see this repertoire growing and we will be bringing in the best chess books across the world!
ChessBase India Juniors
ChessBase India Juniors was a concept thought by our little 13-year-old star author Avathanshu Bhat. He realized that their has to be a dedicated way in which the juniors of our country could be covered and with this in mind we launched the ChessBase India Juniors. Over the period of ten months there have been 12 articles written by Avathanshu that have been dedicated towards the juniors of country. Each of them well researched. He conducts interviews over Skype, phone calls and does his best to get to know the young achiever in detail. Such journalistic rigour at the age of 13 is not common and that's why I would say I am proud of everything he does to power chess in India. You can read all the issue of ChessBase India Juniors here:
ChessBase India Juniors #01, #02, #03 ,#04 ,#05,#06 ,#07,#08 ,#09 ,#10 , #11, #12
ChessBase India accessories:
We at ChessBase India are proud of our logo. It mixes two things that we are extremely passionate about - chess and India. You have the chess king and the three colours of the Indian flag. Amruta worked hard to get the logo right and once we had it, we built up some of the ChessBase India accessories, the most prominent being the ChessBase India t-shirts.
The prices (586 for round neck and 691 for collared neck) include GST as well as shipping charges. One thing was pretty clear. We did not want to compromise on the quality of the material at any cost. Until now we haven't had a single customer who has told us that our t-shirts were below par, in spite of having sold thousands of t-shirts. Something that we are proud of.
ChessBase India team:
ChessBase India is a team of 15 dedicated individuals who work day in an day out to power chess in India. We never really write about any of them, because the focus is usually on the achievers of chess, but this might be a good time to talk about them and their contribution towards powering chess in India.
Sagar Shah and Amruta Mokal - We founded ChessBase India and since three years have been trying to work hard to power chess in our country. Our aim is that chess should become the most popular sport in India and we firmly believe that this is possible with sustained and dedicated efforts. We think about it all the time, we have dedicated all of our time and energy towards it. The 365 day homeless, nomadic journey was instrumental in knowing the Indian chess scene better.
Avathanshu Bhat (top left) - The 13-year-old is not only the editor-in-chief of ChessBase India Juniors but also comes up with innovative ideas that helps the organization grow. Along with reading innumerable books, the youngster has a new found love for programming! In the years to come we are going to have tough struggle against Google, Facebook and co. to keep him in our company!
Dipika Vaidya Joshi (2nd row, first from right) - She is our purchase manager and there are no holidays for Dipika, who works around the clock ensuring that people all around the country get their serial keys on time! Dipika works quietly behind the scenes, but her absence, almost often creates a crisis for us!
Nongsha Angom (2nd row, second from right) - Nongsha joined ChessBase India in the year 2018 and is the Broadcast manager and editor. You can see that the number of Indian tournaments being broadcast on has grown in the last few months and credit for it has to go to Nongsha. He is also an editor and he puts in his heart into editing. A simple article sent to him by any contributor will be transformed into a piece of art.
Shahid Ahmed (2nd row, third from right) - Shahid is senior co-ordinator and editor, but I would say he is like water. Flexible and ready to take any role that is required. He is the one who coordinates massive initiatives like the Academy Chess League and online blitz events single handedly. He writes articles, takes some great videos and interviews for ChessBase India channel and in general doesn't shy away from any new tasks that requires learning something from scratch.
Ankit Dalal (3rd row, first from right) - Ankit Dalal is the head of ChessBase India Power. With ChessBase India Power, we want to provide the best possible deals related to travel, visa, insurance, hotels and much more. Ankit is an expert in this field and combined with his chess knowledge and entrepreneurial skills comes up with the best possible ideas to help chess players in their logistics related issues. A guided group tour to Spain with him as the manager was his idea, that was very well executed by him.
Niklesh Jain (3rd row, second from right) - We call him the Amitabh Bachchan of Indian chess! His excellent Hindi speaking skills combined with his love for chess makes him a tour de force whenever he is present at any tournament. Recently he handled the coverage of the 17th Delhi GM Open that had 2850 participants single handedly. He is a good photographer, interviewer, video editor and above all a fine chess coach. He is the editor-in-chief of ChessBase India Hindi newspage, maintains the ChessBase India Hindi Facebook page and also the YouTube Channel.
Aditya Pai (3rd row, third from right) - Aditya Pai's flawless English has made him the senior editor of ChessBase India. Whenever a top event is coming up Aditya gears himself up for intensive and sustained coverage. Once he is assigned a tournament you can be sure of huge and extensive daily reports. Along with ChessBase India he also contributes towards Firstpost with whom we have a tie-up. In true sense Aditya powers chess in India with his writing.
Dharmen Shah (2nd row, first from left) - Dharmen Shah is a Chartered Accountant and the financial advisor of ChessBase India. He has an experience of many years as a Chartered Accountant and also loves the game of chess. Not to forget he was the person responsible for teaching me the rules of chess. Yes, you guessed it right, he is my father as well!
Dipankar Kamble (4th row, first from right) - Whenever new orders come, Dipankar is the man whom we bank upon for packing and arranging the logistics of goods involved. He works hard and makes sure each and every person who orders books and accessories from ChessBase India gets it on time.
Ajinkya Kurudukar (4th row, second from right) - Ajinkya is ChessBase India's lawyer. Whenever we have certain issues related to law going through our head Ajinkya is the person whom we go to. His lively, energetic approach and the ability to break down any problem step by step is something that is of big value to us.
Supriya Bhat (4th row, third from right) - When we left on the 365 day journey we were worried about the back end of ChessBase India. Who would take care of it? Supriya came to the rescue. We call her the super woman. In a day, she is able to give the best possible customer service, manage the accounts, make sure that the ChessBase India office in Vidyavihar is running perfectly, coordinate with the resellers and handle multiple tasks with ease. She is the Business Development Manager of ChessBase India and has brought great order and clarity to the functioning of the organization.
Jeevan Karandikar (4th row, fourth from right) - When Amruta had all the ideas related to ChessBase India logo in her mind, the person who helped her to put the finishing touches was Jeevan. Since then he has been a part of the ChessBase India team, coming up with some of the best graphics that you can see on our newspage and social media. We know that whenever we have an idea in our head, Jeevan is going to convert it into a splendid creative design.
Three more individuals whom I would like to thank for their work for ChessBase India are:
Rupali Mullick - She travels with her son Raahil to various tournaments. Whenever she is present, we can be sure to receive excellent interviews and content from her. In fact viewers on our YouTube channel are looking forward to her next chess trip now!
Davide Nastasio - Davide is a part of the ChessBase India team. He helped us tremendously by sending us reviews and articles when ChessBase India was in the nascent stages of its journey. He always has interesting ideas which he comes up with because of this critical thinking approach.
Atul Dahale - Atul Dahale worked intensively for a period of six months for ChessBase India and ensured that the Quality Chess books business was setup in an appropriate manner. Atul is still a part of ChessBase India team as a ChessBase expert. We are also looking forward to Atul creating his second video on How to play the Najdorf!
Each of the individuals whom I described above are self motivated and work hard with the vision of powering chess in India. Throughout the year they work on bringing forth the talents of Indian chess out in the open. I found this to be the ideal time to let the Indian chess fraternity know about them and the amount of work they put in.
On a parting note:
ChessBase India wants to create an ecosystem in the country where a chess player can thrive. Firstly, we try to identify Indian talents on a daily basis. Once we find them we try our best to give them the best exposure by writing articles on them and creating videos on YouTube and social media. We ensure that the products we have are useful for chess player. ChessBase is indispensable for any professional player and so are the Quality chess books. We have made them available at affordable prices. Now, when a budding chess player wants to plan his tournaments, we have the ChessBase India calendar. Once he has zeroed in on the tournaments he wants to play, we have the ChessBase India Power which helps him with all the travel logistics, visa, stay, flight etc. In order to provide them with playing practice, we have online blitz tournaments and Academy Chess League (ACL). If you want information about any tournament that is in progress we have the ChessBase India website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts where you can get high quality information without any cost. You can see where we are going with this. If you are a chess player, we want to ensure that all your needs are taken care off by ChessBase India.
Why I love ChessBase India challenge:
At the end of two years we asked Vishy Anand what he thinks about ChessBase India and whether it has played a positive impact on Indian chess or not. This is what he said:
On 18th of January 2019 we asked people as to why do they love ChessBase India and the best three answers would get a ChessBase India t-shirts. We posted this on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and we received a lot of comments. We received such wonderful entries that we have increased the number of prizes. Instead of three t-shirts, we have made it seven and 20 people receive one month ChessBase Premium Accounts. Here are the t-shirt winning entries:
1. Biswanath Mohapatra (Facebook):
I like ChessBase India because, 3 years ago you guys decided to NIKE (Just do it) and NOKIA (Connecting People) the Indian Chess Community. You did APPLE (Think Differently), and reading your articles reminded of MCDONALD (I am loving it) and playing your online events was like KFC (Its finger lickin' good). For kids your ChessBase India junior it was DISNEY LAND (The happiest place on earth), and for people of my age it was GILLETTE (The best a man can get)
Finally I love ChessBase India because you are L'OREAL (Because you are worth it).
Keep up the good work, God Bless.
2. Tina Popli (YouTube)
ChessBase India! This Name, Always gives a smile on my face! All the Instagram posts, Articles, and Most importantly, The YouTube Videos!helps us know the players well and the ideas behind their games..and looking at all the hard work, dedication they put in...inspires me more and more! Day by Day! Truly! India is rapidly growing in Chess. I feel..Ur videos and articles keep inspiring all the young people who are passionate about The Game..and not only young..also all the age groups! And honestly I would say that looking at all the analysis videos and all the interviews keeps me motivated to improve in the game! So on this occasion..I would like to Thank You All for the wonderful efforts put in by you all! Truly! Thanks a lot!ЁЯШБЁЯШБ
3. Aarthie Karnalkar (Facebook)
ChessBase India are a brand! I appreciate your dedication towards chess. ChessBase India has provided a great platform for veterans and budding chess players as well. Your contribution towards chess will make a crucial difference in building career of aspiring chess players. Sagar Shah, your interviews are very aspiring and updated :) . This team is a click away for anything needed. You have given a great platform to chess. You guys rock! Wishing you all the best! Awaiting something more interesting to come up.
4. Vagish Kumar (YouTube)
I love chessbase India because it has countless chess training materials to improve your chess. It gives us an opportunity to use chessbase account to all players at nominal price. It provides access to metadata base where you can access millions of chess games and study them. Also, there is a tactics trainer which improves your tactical skills. Also we can play against Fritz 16 or against available online chess players. There are several videos to improve our chess rapidly. Also, there is chessbase news to provide chess lovers the latest news about chess tournaments and an opportunity to learn about the latest things happening in chess. To summarise, chessbase India is the best and a powerful tool to Improve your chess
5. VerinRao (Instagram)
We love chess base india.because we need a platform to knew about chess and what's going on in world chess . I also knew about our indian heroes in chess and knew about our Grand Masters.i most like the covering our Grand masters Game I really enjoyed it. And calender . And specially Facebook page in hindi I enjoy very much.Mr.V.Anand interviews and ur work with master on Instagram and so on.what I / we need in ChessBase India provides u already saying that work is going on so hoping for best u gave us.I also think ChessBase India needs to work in some Special areas like , we tell about ur videos focus on board not the faces of Grand masters and once u set the camera don't move again n again for doing. Overall ur all work is good .Here I remember a note which is commonly seen in our Roads " karya pargati par hai asuvidha k liye khed hai ".Thanks for the this opportunity to wear a t- shirt of ChessBase India . I am very Glad if I m the one who wears it. Loves u all , ur work , ur wellness to improve more n more.
6. Prateek Nishant (Facebook)
I love Chessbase India because
1. It provides detailed analyses of games played all over the world which is great to watch and learn from
2. It provides candid interviews of champions, both old and new, which is a source of great inspiration for chess enthusiasts like me
3. It is driven by passion, not profit. Its absence would be an unfilled void in Indian Chess. The commendable dedication which goes behind creating each bit of content on the Chessbase India website and newsletters is a thing to be loved and appreciated.
7. Krutharth Patel (YouTube)
I love ChessBase India bcoz , in every video I got some new thing to learn , I learn trick of big players and interacting about their strategies my game has also improved due to this. Other thing I loved that I always get updated in chess world ,earlier I used to go to different sites to update but now it is much better now. I subscribed it at when Chess base was 13k but lost a lot of content. Got all updates from all tournaments ,Thankyou Sagar and team you have big contribution in promoting chess in India .... Lots of wishes. The best thing about Chess base India team is hardwork at any time. I remember World championship result you posted video midnight and covering live one day in chennai and another day in kolkata ( World championship analysis ) Eagerly waiting for your 100k .....
There were also comments which we liked a lot. We would like to offer you one month of ChessBase Premium Account to the following entries:
Rittik Chakraborty (Facebook)
Chessbase India Not only promoting GM's by interviews but also doing hard work by their books, software's,and specially Sagar Shah's analysis.... By these many players from small villages also be helpful. 1.Players are highlighted. 2.Players are motivated. 3.Players are willing to do better even their best.
Dhawal Arora (Instagram)
I love chessbase because it not just a program or software it is an entire universe of chess related stuff! The progress of chessbase india has been massive, starting from 0 all the way up to millions of users. Chessbase is the best out there and i get to learn from the grandmaster and understand the fundamentals of the game. It has helped me alot and i hope its users increase day by day!
Shruti Sachdev (Instagram)
I love Chessbase India bcoz you people provide the whole treasure of chess including news, articles etc through all the medium of communication and also encourage people to take chess as a sport which is very important for our country. I like the way you work hard. Keep doing itЁЯСН
Zwischenzug (Instagram)
It hasn't been a long time since i was introduced to this astounding world of chess..... But in this few years i realized one thing that there's not any media provided which is helping popularizing chess in India... But thankfully this job is done solely by @chessbaseindia since the last 3 years.... There's unending reasons to love Chessbase India!тЭдя╕П like any other Indian athlete, we, the chessplayers also need a platform to showcase our hard-earned achievements to the common masses... And ofcourse in recent years Chessbase India is proving us with that necessary platform. The interviews and Live-analyse of games by top-rated and successful players all across the world is helping alot in providing inspiration and ideas to aspiring chessplayers of India! The tournament matches shot by u guys are making watching chess matches more exciting! The propagation of several chess clubs by launching the chess camp program is very interesting and assisting! Lastly thanks a lot to @chessbaseindia and all its associated people for empowering and creating a platform for chess in India! You guys are the reason why Indian Chess will have a bright future!тЭдя╕ПЁЯШЗ
Lord_fires (instagram)
I am an Italian chess player and I do not miss a single video posted by chessbase India. I am really fascinated by the excellent results made by indians against tough opposition and I have always wondered if they did something special during their preparation.
Chessbase India let me enter for a while in the indian chess dimension: thanks to the youtube channel I got to know many interesting talents, I had the possibility to learn a bit about indian chess school and I even listened to many interesting stories.
Being a journalism student as well, I consider the contents you post extremely interesting: videos are never boring, and moreover almost each clip is instructive and contains something funny. I am really looking forward to watch new videos always full of fresh and original content.
Thank you so much Sagar!
vickydemolia3690 (instagram)
I love chess base india because i start chess by seeing the video on this channel on you tube it is about one year i am totaly crazy about the chess .i dont miss any video from your channel.i downlod and lichess apps .i read almost five books on chess .i watch video when i am free and my parents are angry to see me on mobile playing chess,watching chess video i am going to prove them what i learn from your channel by participating in fide chess tournament in sangrur in punjab. I like your page ,i follow you on instagram. Now i am discover that chess base india is the only thing that i have heard at all type of tournament . You make good efferts to make indian chess moore brighter ,so keep it up.
Umashankar Mukherjee (youtube)
I love Chessbase India because it really helps me in improving chess like it provides databases like Megadatabase 2019,Chessbase 15,14,13,12,Fritz 16 and many more. It has has good videos to inspire me like the video of Gukesh D,Pragg,Nihal and many other Gms.They also experience us the whole Tournament-how every player play there,analyse there and how nice is the venue. It also helps us to improve chess by some of the videos of it like the Kann video By Amruta mam and the troitsky video by Sagar sir and many more are there.....These are all my reasons to love Chessbase India! I am a 1610 rated player and my age is 11 and best of luck to Chessbase India in promoting chess in India.Thank you for all your support!я╗┐
Nikhilesh Prabhakar (youtube)
Because of the amount of time you guys spend for just putting an analysis board for many of the game analysis' during the post game interviews. That one video where Nihal and Pragg were able to just recollect all their games from the Stiges chess tournament along with where they went wrong and what they could have done better was just so inspiring. I love the work Sagar Sir and team is doing for promoting the game in our country. Please keep up the great work.! :)я╗┐
Satyajit Barick (Youtube)
I am a chess player from odisha.... For only chessbase india i got to know about so many GMs and great talents in india.... After watching those Olympiad videos i am greatly motivated to work even harder... I have never seen any chess channel took initiative for the viewers to see the celebration parties, marriage parties,etc. Now i am feelings like i am also a part of a very big family...... At last i want to thank u all for providing so many great books & softwares at a very convenient priceя╗┐.
.я╗┐Vidya Lakshmi (YouTube)
Firstly, congratulations.
I love chessbase IND because it provides a treasure of knowledge on chess. The team of chessbase IND is very talented, hardworking and friendly. It answers the viewers' questions in a very simple, effective way. Master level games are covered in detail which help the viewers to understand chess more deeper. Various topics on chess are also covered.
Really chessbase IND has empowered chess throughout India. Keep continuing the same.
All the best.
Thank youя╗┐
я╗┐Sagar A (YouTube)
I love chessbase India because it ensures that chess players who put in so much to of hard work are recognized and ensures that atleast a certain amount of people know who they are and what they are doing. The other commendable effort is of course the interview of the parents and coaches which is unique compared to other channels which enables us to understand the champions and how they work from the lips of parents and the coaches. The next unique approach is to interview players in their comfort zone than inviting them to any set makes it amazing and Mr Sagar must be appreciated. For example going to Adhiban or Saravanans place etc. The most important element is the channel is not in dearth of chess content which helps the viewers to improve chess be it through training or players helping us with the insights about their games. The interviews are always well thought out and makes the viewers feel as though the interviewer and the interviewee are well acquainted which is something that Sagar must surely be appreciated for. Lastly India making its mark in chess on a global scale has made people to sit and take notice and the channel provides exclusive content for such viewers who are interested in being updated about our Indian chess... Lastly just want to say to chessbase India.. Thanks. Thank you..our encouragement will be there since the seriousness in which you are creating the content is brilliant.. Your efforts are appreciated! Thank you. Love you chessbase India!!!!я╗┐
Shreyas BS (YouTube)
Not everyone gets to meet some of the best chess players in India, let alone ask them questions about their current or recent tournament. But, Chess Base India team are doing such a great work of interviewing them and letting everyone know about their views on current chess affairs be it about them or other chess tournament. Like that one session where Viswanathan Anand analysed all the games of World Chess Championship 2018. It's obviously great to watch these videos and get to know about current tournaments. I'd like to thank you for all the hard work you are doing to spread chess knowledge and you deserve all the love you're getting and even more!я╗┐
Aditya Agrawal (YouTube)
I am 14 and was introduced to chess by ChessBaseIndia. It has the best coverage amongst most channels. Sagar has to work extremely hard for all of this. He is extremely talented and explains the games in the most comprehensive manner. He is an inspiration to me and I want him and all of ChessBaseIndia to keep up the excellent work. Many many congratulations on reaching the 3 year anniversary. Pleasure to be supporting such a resourceful channel.
Thank You for everything
Devesh Naik (YouTube)
I love Chess base India for its content I guess no other chess channel does it.Thanks Sir for all the content your interviews,opening lesson especially the Kan series helped me a lot I used it with great success.Out of 20 around games I played in the Sicilian Kan I had won around 15 games and only 1 loss and some draws.Chess base India helped me a lot.Hope you come up with more contents and may you get many subscribers by next year.
Devesh Anand Naik (Goa)я╗┐
Tanmay Srinath (YouTube)
Because my very existence in chess is completed by this wonderful initiative....the interview of top players is very insightful....and the educational content that is available is a real boon. I am the player i am today majorly because of Chessbase India and Sagar Shah. So, keep powering chess in India!я╗┐
я╗┐Alex Rodriguez (YouTube)
Because you guys are showing the kind of professionalism and exposure a lot of media outlets fail to do. I mean interviewing players from around the world, unknown talents in India, quite unbiased in your views. I hope you guys keep up the good work and continue in the same manner.
Tom Hamilton (Twitter)
ChessBase India allows this aging chess westerner to watch in awe and respect the development, progress, and achievement of one of the top overall chess programs in the world. Namaste, and good play to all this weekend
Anthony Joseph (Twitter)
For singlehandedly bridging the gap between Indian chess players, chess fans, media & sports administrators through live coverage of games & more importantly interviews of the budding & established players.
Keep up the good work.
Devanshi Rathi (Twitter)
Each day I begin reading the chess news online by visiting Chessbase IndiaтАЩs website. ItтАЩs full of illustrative pictures, games, and interviews. I really learn a lot from the articles posted on the website.
Himanshu Mehta (Twitter)
1. The spirit of team is appreciable. Regular interview of masters to inspire the Youth.
2. Marvelous objective of promoting the Game of Chess.
3. Great offering on global resources to improve chess for Indian chess enthusiast and lover like me... All the Best Team chessbase
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