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1st Bikaner Open International Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2022

by Aditya Sur Roy - 21/09/2022

One of the biggest ever tournaments in Rajasthan, the 1st Bikaner Open International Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2022 is all set to start on the 1st of October, 2022, with a total prize fund is RS. 30,00,000.

The tournament will be organized in two categories - The Masters (Above 2000) with a prize fund of Rs. 20 lakhs and the Challengers (Below 2000) with a prize fund of Rs. 10 lakhs.

A total of 14 GMs, 19 IMs, 3 WGMs, and 9 WIMs with a total of 55 titled players have already confirmed their participation. A total of 10 rounds will be played and the tournament will conclude on the 8th of October.

Mr. Commonwealth GM Abhijit Gupta of India is the top seed followed by GM Pantsulaia Levan of Georgia, GM Paichadze Luka of Georgia, GM Savchenko Boris, Legendary coach and player GM Krasenkow Michal of Poland, GM Shyam Sundar M, WGM Divya Deshmukh, IM Koustav Chatterjee, GM Venkatesh M.R. From India, GM Batchuluun Tsegmed of Mongolia to name a few.

Mr. Commonwealth GM Abhijit Gupta of India is the top seed


GM Pantsulaia  Levan of Georgia


GM Paichadze Luka of Georgia


GM Boris Savchenko
GM Krasenkow Michal of Poland


GM Shyam Sundar M


IM Koustav Chatterjee


WGM Divya Deshmukh

The Challengers category has huge prize money of 10Lacs with many attractive prizes. With excellent Playing conditions, the same playing hall, and venue many B category players will get the opportunity to see top GMs in action and will enjoy the experience and exposure to top-level chess.

Excellent Accommodation(AC & Near venue) and Food packages for players in all categories to enjoy Hassel free playing has been arranged.

Camel Country Bikaner is the location of the tournament and is known for its hospitality and historic places which would be another reason to visit the desert city and experience the rich culture and Heritage of Bikaner while the organizing team serves you the best playing conditions and facilities.


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